Speaking & Events
If I am going to be speaking or attending an event (other than my own livestreams) in the future, you can find the details below!
Upcoming Events
Mar 07
AnalyticsCamp Switzerland 2025
Ergon Informatik AG, Merkurstrasse 43, 8032 Zurich
AnalyticsCamp is an unconference-style event with no predefined speakers. As one of the co-founders of this non-profit association, I'll be there helping out. Want to attend? Visit our website to grab your ticket!
Event DetailsPast Events
Jan 26-31
Hotel Ózon & Luxury Villas, Gyöngyös, Ózon utca 1, 3233 Hungary
SUPERWEEK conference is a unique, annual gathering of digital marketing professionals, analysts and thought leaders of the measurement industry. I'll be giving an interactive session on (you guessed it) Decision Science!
NOV 19
18h00 - 19h00
Maven Analytics Live Show
I've been invited onto the Maven Analytics Live Show to talk all about Decision Science! Maven Analytics is an online learning experience platform with live expert coaching and real-time progress tracking to keep you on pace every step of the way.
watchNOV 13
18h30 - 20h30
Analytics Roundtable Zurich
Förrlibuckstrasse 190, 8005 Zürich
For the 4th(!) time I will be presenting at this local Meetup here in Zurich. It is a gathering of folks from all backgrounds where there is a single presentation/workshop followed by networking over drinks and snacks. Advance Metrics hosts this event in their new offices on the 16th floor of the On Tower, which offers an awesome view too!
readOCT 8-9
Analytics Summit 2024
Making Better Decisions with an Easy 5-Step Process
What once began as an event with a primary focus on Google Analytics-driven topics is now in the process of becoming an international conference covering a wide range of topics all around MarTech, Analytics, Conversion Optimization, Cloud, Advanced Analytics & Artificial Intelligence. I was speaking about Decision Science (of course).
readSEP 25
Web Analytics Wednesday Copenhagen
Learning Decision Science with a 5-Step Process
For the first time in person, I was speaking at WAW! Since 2008, Web Analytics Wednesday Copenhagen has been a premier gathering for 2-300 analysts and marketers who are at the forefront of leveraging online data to enhance their brand’s performance.
DataFest 2024
Decision Science Workshop
As a speaker I was invited to the 8th edition of the largest annual data conference in Eastern Europe and Central Asia to give a workshop about Decision Science!
TwitchCon Rotterdam
Community event
TwitchCon is Twitch's annual event (held in both Europe & the USA) where streamers, creators and the community come together for a few days. I had a great time!
ReadJUN 8
MeasureCamp Zurich
The Data Library
MeasureCamp is an unconference-style event and I presented my open-source framework, aka the "Data Library", for standardising Behavioural Analytics events. I did this live without any slides!
Event DetailsAPR 8
Decision Science: Make Better Decisions with an easy 5-Step Process
Join me for a journey through a simple but powerful 5-Step process named Prime Route, with concrete examples and most importantly, an interactive exercise to apply this to your business.
WatchMAR 28
DataCamp Community Event
Making Better Decisions with an Easy 5-Step Process
DataCamp was very kind and invited me to host a community event! Of course I talked about Decision Science! Apparently it was one of the best-attended sessions ever.
ReadMAR 15
AMA Analytics w/ Jeff Skoldberg
LinkedIn Livestream
Jeff was kind enough to ask me onto his Livestream show! We'll field all your questions about data analytics and have a blast doing it.
WatchMAR 1
Skiers in Data (SKID) 2024
While I didn't speak at this event, it was a great opportunity to hear from a great group of people and also network!
Event Details2023
NOV 18
MeasureCamp Vienna
What is Decision Science?!
MeasureCamp is an unconference-style event with no set speakers. I decided to do a presentation on the day about Decision Science! (what else?)
ReadNOV 15/16
Marketing Analytics Summit 2023
Making Better Decisions with an Easy 5-Step Process
I was invited to speak as this annual event about Decision Science! There were many presentations, participant discussions and other talks to attend.
ReadOCT 26
AnalyticsCamp Zurich Oerlikon
Livestreaming Data Analytics "Edutainment" Content
AnalyticsCamp is an unconference-style event with no set speakers. As one of the co-founders of this non-profit, I also had the chance to speak and chose to talk about my experience in livestreaming!
ReadAUG 28
IHM Business School
Decision Science: From Numbers to Knowledge
I gave a presentation online to students from the IHM Business School in Sweden about Decision Science!
ReadJUL 21
Nerdnourishment Podcast
How a Decision Engineer Uses Data
Learn all about how a Decision Engineer uses data to solve the world's problems, one Twitch stream at a time. Matty describes a fantastic analogy with data and food! 😋
WatchJUL 7-9
TwitchCon Paris
Community event
TwitchCon is Twitch's annual event (held in both Europe & the USA) where streamers, creators and the community come together for a few days. I'll be there so let me know if you're going!
Event DetailsJUL 1
Universal Analytics: The Sunset.LIVE
Saying Goodbye to Google Universal Analytics
Watch me, Juliana Jackson, Charles Farina, Julien Coquet, Fred Pike, Derek Cavaliero, and more while we shed a tear (or not?) for the sunset of Google Universal Analytics.
WatchJUN 28
Analytics Pioneers Training
From Numbers to Knowledge in SQL
Analytics Pioneers is a Germany-based data analytics agency and community. I gave a free SQL-based training about answering questions effectively.
ReadJUN 24
MeasureCamp Munich
Decision Science: From Numbes to Knowledge
MeasureCamp is an unconference-style event and I presented the idea of Decision Science and a simple 5-step framework I've created!
OCT 17
Dear Analyst Podcast #107
Using Twitch to teach people about analytics and launching a food tech startup
A podcast discussing workplace tools, spreadsheets, data analysis, and everything in between.
ListenSEP 24
MeasureCamp Bratislava
Livestreaming Data Analytics "Edutainment" Content
MeasureCamp is an unconference-style event and I spoke about what it's like to teach and learn while livestreaming on Twitch!
ReadJUL 29
OAClub Summer Community Days
Livestreaming data analytics edutainment content
Summer Community Days is a free, virtual & practitioner-first conference hosted by the Operational Analytics Club featuring community expert sessions, keynotes, data hackathons, and local IRL happy hours in major US cities.
SEP 07
AI@Business meets c/o Data Science #14
The 'Company Health Score' - Predicting Churn in a B2B SaaS Company
During this Informationsfabrik event, Matthew spoke about how a process against churn was developed, from end-to-end, and most importantly illustrated the outcomes: how did this help the business?
ReadJUL 27
Search Discovery Education Community
The Data Cake: A Modern Analytics Stack Framework
In this FEC session, Matthew Brandt shares how an organization should structure and set up their data & analytics stack and team(s) to best respond to all types of requirements.
WatchJUN 09
Web Analytics Wednesday Copenhagen
Understanding Product Analytics
Since 2008, Web Analytics Wednesday Copenhagen has been a premier gathering for 2-300 analysts and marketers who are at the forefront of leveraging online data to enhance their brand’s performance.
ReadMAY 14
TDWI StackTalk Episode 3 (German)
Analytics bei der 'Neue Zürcher Zeitung'
Matthew Brandt erläutert in dieser Folge, wie die NZZ strukturierte und unstrukturierte Daten aus den verschiedensten Quellen erfasst und transformiert, um Erkenntnise für das Tagesgeschäft in der Redaktion abzuleiten.
WatchJAN 23
MeasureCamp North America
The Data Cake
MeasureCamp is an unconference-style event and I presented my concept known as the Data Cake for standardising data stacks and thinking about how they are built.
ReadSupport me on Patreon!
You can support the work I am doing by pledging to my Patreon! There are various rewards like early-access to my content or even monthly 1:1 calls with me where you can ask anything you like.